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    Marlboro College - Emerson College Transition Form

    Welcome to the Marlboro College - Emerson College Transition Form!

    This is the first step in exploring a transition to Emerson as part of the proposed alliance between our two institutions. This form will help us create individual academic advising packets, understand your specific financial aid packages, and to build the basis for a potential student record at Emerson. This is a form to indicate your interest in coming to Emerson; the transition will occur only if both the Marlboro Board of Trustees and the Emerson Board of Trustees vote to approve the alliance. Those votes are tentatively scheduled to occur in early May 2020. This form is the first step of the process for students and creates no binding agreements or contracts regarding transitioning to Emerson.

    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. This form will help ensure a smooth transition and the ability to discuss your records between official at our two institutions. As part of this form, we ask that you release all of our student record, including financial aid information and disciplinary history, from Marlboro College to Emerson College using the FERPA Waiver Form from the Marlboro Registrar's Office.